Chinil Chang
Hapkido Archive

This page contains historical interviews with the Founder of Hapkido Choi, Yong Sul, which were arranged by the late 2nd Doju of Hapkido Grandmaster Chang, Chinil along with other relavant Hapkido videos. Tranlations from Korean into English were performed to the best of our ability given the audio quality of the videos. If you have suggested alternate translations, feel free to send a note via the contact form and we will review.


Doju Inauguration Ceremony

April 11, 1985

News coverage of the Doju Inauguration ceremony was televised nationally in Korea by MBC News and Sports.

Choi Yong Sul Interview

June 1982

Video interview with Choi, Yong Sul conducted in June 1985 at a restaurant in New York City.

The Founder of Hapkido, Grandmaster Choi, Yong Sul speaks to a group of Hapkido Instructors during a gathering in New York City. He discusses the current state of Hapkido and expresses his desire for the Hapkido community to unite under the leadership of Grandmaster Chang, Chinil.